Autors: Ivanova, D. A., Mitev, D. M.
Title: Strategies for organizing and optimizing different types of content for interactive accessible web portals
Keywords: Interactive Accessible Web Portals, SEO optimization, WCAG

Abstract: According to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), four principles must be followed to meet the accessibility standard. The content must be perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust. When building a web portal, the content hierarchy is essential for users to scan and understand the interface. There are various ways to make the content more accessible to the users - some of them include optimizing the typography, adjusting color contrast, and establishing a visual hierarchy. Another tool used in making the web portal more accessible is assisting the users in navigating comfortably through the interface by introducing breadcrumbs (to be aware of their location) and incorporating visual cues. This paper also researches content optimization for web portals by defining the best practices for responsive design, SEO optimization and organizing quick links, adding social proofs, and outlining best practices for extensive dropdown menus.



    AIP AMEE 2022, vol. 2939, issue 1, pp. Article 120005, 2023, Bulgaria, AIP, DOI 10.1063/5.0185839

    Copyright AIP

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