Оригинал (Original) | |||||
Автори: Славова, В. О., Петров С. П. Заглавие: Сhemical modification of ultrafiltering polymer membranes Ключови думи: : polymer membranes, ultrafiltration, chemical treatment, mo Абстракт: The transport and selective characteristics of the chemical modified ultrafiltering polymer membranes are investigated. Studied membranes were pre-activated with an alkaline solution in order to better adhesion between the polymer and the metal coating. Библиография Издание
| Autors: Raykova, V. O., Petrov S. P. Title: Сhemical modification of ultrafiltering polymer membranes Keywords: polymer membranes, ultrafiltration, chemical treatment, mo Abstract: The transport and selective characteristics of the chemical modified ultrafiltering polymer membranes are investigated. Studied membranes were pre-activated with an alkaline solution in order to better adhesion between the polymer and the metal coating. References Issue
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