Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Видеков, В. Х., Радонов, Р. И.
Заглавие: Web среда изискваща повишена активност в учебния процес
Ключови думи: интернет, обучение, контрол

Абстракт: В статията се разглежда нова концепция на web-базирана платформа използван в учебния процес. В нея са заложени изисквания за стриктно (своевременно) изпълнение на учебните задължения в пълен обем. Представени са резултати от неколкогодишно използване на интернет базирана платформа за контрол на учебния процес и е дефинирана нова насока, повишаваща активността на студента. Това е постигнато чрез придобиване на точки (получаване на кредити) както от изпълнението на всяка конкретна задача, така и от бонуси за срочност. Апробирана е система за самоотчитане при посещение на занятията чрез електронни ключове. Системата се прилага както при лабораторни и семинарни упражнения, така и при лекции. Представена е концепцията и основните решения за изпълнението на задачата.


  1. Aroyo L., Dicheva D. (2001). AIMS: Learning and Teaching Support for WWW-based Education. International Journal for Continuing Engineering Education and Life-long Learning, Vol. 11, No. 1/2, pp. 152-164.
  2. Boyadjieva, N., R. Metodieva, G. Kossekova, Teaching Pharmacology of endocrine system via electronic guide, National Conference on eLearning in the Higher Education, Kiten, 3-5 June 2004.
  3. Кузов О., А. Смрикаров, Виртуалното образователно пространство в България – състояние и перспективи, Авангард Принт ООД, София 2005, ISBN 954-712-255-Х
  4. Shang, Y. et al., (2001), An Intelligent distributed environment for Active Learning: http://www.hkwebsym.org.hk/2001/E4-track/a_lng.pdf
  5. Hristov, V. H, Radonov, R. I, 2002,Proceedings from 11th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference Electronics 2002: INTERNET, QUALITY, EDUCATION, Sozopol, Bulgaria, pp. 25 - 27
  6. Kevin Kruse Managing e-Learning www.e-LearningGuru.com 2003
  7. Bill Shackelford, Project Managing E-Learning, ASTD Merrifield, 2002 ISBN 1-56286-329-0
  8. Radonov, R. I, Videkov, V. H, 2005,Conference proceedings on CD of the ICL2005: Internet based platform for control of the educational process, Villach, Austria, pp.
  9. http://ecad.tu-sofia.bg/tpr , http://ecad.tu-sofia.bg/knea , http://ecad.tu-sofia.bg/mme , http://ecad.tu-sofia.bg/prk2


Списание Е+Е, стр. стр. 60 - 65, 2006, България, София, ISSN 0861-4717
Autors: Videkov, V. H., Radonov, R. I.
Title: Web-based Environment Requiring Increased Activity in the Educational Process
Keywords: internet, education, control

Abstract: A new concept related to a web-based platform for administration of the educational purposes is described in the paper. The concept bears all requirements, which are typical for the process of quality control. One of the platform’s characteristics is related to the strict completion of tasks in time. The results from the implementation of the web-based platform for control of the educational process, which have been gathered for a couple of years, are also presented. A new trend has been defined, which is related to the increased students’ activity. This has been accomplished through giving points (credits) to the students for the completion of each task. Those who do it first get bonus points. There are deadlines for the completion of the tasks. A system for self check-in has been tested. It has been achieved via the means of “electronic keys”, which have to be registered by the students. The keys are related to the attendance of lectures, laboratory exercises and seminars. The platf


  1. Aroyo L., Dicheva D. (2001). AIMS: Learning and Teaching Support for WWW-based Education. International Journal for Continuing Engineering Education and Life-long Learning, Vol. 11, No. 1/2, pp. 152-164.
  2. Boyadjieva, N., R. Metodieva, G. Kossekova, Teaching Pharmacology of endocrine system via electronic guide, National Conference on eLearning in the Higher Education, Kiten, 3-5 June 2004.
  3. Кузов О., А. Смрикаров, Виртуалното образователно пространство в България – състояние и перспективи, Авангард Принт ООД, София 2005, ISBN 954-712-255-Х
  4. Shang, Y. et al., (2001), An Intelligent distributed environment for Active Learning: http://www.hkwebsym.org.hk/2001/E4-track/a_lng.pdf
  5. Hristov, V. H, Radonov, R. I, 2002,Proceedings from 11th International Scientific and Applied Science Conference Electronics 2002: INTERNET, QUALITY, EDUCATION, Sozopol, Bulgaria, pp. 25 - 27
  6. Kevin Kruse Managing e-Learning www.e-LearningGuru.com 2003
  7. Bill Shackelford, Project Managing E-Learning, ASTD Merrifield, 2002 ISBN 1-56286-329-0
  8. Radonov, R. I, Videkov, V. H, 2005,Conference proceedings on CD of the ICL2005: Internet based platform for control of the educational process, Villach, Austria, pp.
  9. http://ecad.tu-sofia.bg/tpr , http://ecad.tu-sofia.bg/knea , http://ecad.tu-sofia.bg/mme , http://ecad.tu-sofia.bg/prk2


E+E Elektrotechnica & Elektronika magazine, pp. 60 - 65, 2006, Bulgaria, Sofia, ISSN 0861-4717

Вид: статия в списание, публикация в реферирано издание