Оригинал (Original) | |||||
Автори: Симеонова-Ингилизова, М. Д. Заглавие: ИЗГРАЖДАНЕ НА УСТОЙЧИВИ И ПРОДУКТИВНИ ЕКИПИ В СТУДЕНТСКАТА ОБЩНОСТ – ЗНАЧИМИ УМЕНИЯ И ПРЕДИЗВИКАТЕЛСТВА Ключови думи: teamwork, student community, skills, effectiveness Абстракт: This article examines the importance of developing effective teamwork skills in the student community. Teamwork is considered a key element in modern education, contributing to academic success and the development of students' social skills.
The theoretical part of the paper presents various theoretical models related to teamwork and group dynamics. These models include team effectiveness theory, team communication models, team leadership theories and others. Research has shown that the application of these theoretical models can lead to the optimization of team performance and better outcomes.
Following the theoretical rationale, the paper discusses the specific skills that are essential for successful teamwork. Such skills include communication skills, collaboration, problem solving, emotional intelligence, leadership, flexibility, and adaptability. Библиография Издание
Издателските права се държат от Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“ Пълен текст на публикацията | Autors: Simeonova-Ingilizova, M. D. Title: BUILDING SUSTAINABLE AND PRODUCTIVE TEAMS IN THE STUDENT COMMUNITY - IMPORTANT SKILLS AND CHALLENGES Keywords: teamwork, student community, skills, effectiveness Abstract: This article examines the importance of developing effective teamwork skills in the student community. Teamwork is considered a key element in modern education, contributing to academic success and the development of students' social skills. The theoretical part of the paper presents various theoretical models related to teamwork and group dynamics. These models include team effectiveness theory, team communication models, team leadership theories and others. Research has shown that the application of these theoretical models can lead to the optimization of team performance and better outcomes. Following the theoretical rationale, the paper discusses the specific skills that are essential for successful teamwork. Such skills include communication skills, collaboration, problem solving, emotional intelligence, leadership, flexibility, and adaptability. References Issue
Copyright Университетско издателство „Епископ Константин Преславски“ Full text of the publication |
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