Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Христов, М. Х., Шумков, И., Банов, Б., Радонов, Р. И.
Заглавие: CMOS оперцаионен усилвател с два вида Милерова компенсация
Ключови думи: CMOS, операционен усливател, Милерова компенсация

Абстракт: Представено е пълно проектиране на CMOS оперцаионен усилвател с два вида Милерова компенсация.


  1. Mohammed Ismail, Terri Friez Analog VLSI Signal and Information Processing, Mc Gnaw-Hill 1994 741 pp.
  2. Ron Hogesvorst, John P. Tero, Ruud G.H. Eschauzier, Johan H.Huijsing A Compact Power-Efficent 3V CMOS Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Operational Amplifier for VLSI Cell Libraries, IEEE December 1994, JORNAL OF SOID-STATE CIRCUTS VOL.29, No.12
  3. Klasas-Jan de Langen, Johan H. Huijsing, Compact Low-Voltage Power-Efficient Operational Ampliefier Cells for VLSI, IEEE October 1998, JORNAL OF SOID-STATE CIRCUTS, VOL.33, No.10


8-ма национална научноприложна конференция Електронна техника '99, стр. стр. 78 – 83, 1999, България, Созопол, ISBN 954-438-263-1
Autors: Hristov, M. H., Shumkov, I., Banov, B., Radonov, R. I.
Title: СМОS Operational Amplifier with two types of Miller's compensation
Keywords: CMOS, opamp, Miller's compensation

Abstract: A two-stage structure of an operational amplifier used for creation of two similar amplifiers is described. The first one has frequency compensation applied on the output stage and the other - between the input and output stages (Nested Miller Compensation). The result is an increasing of the gain bandwidth of both structures compared to the base configuration. When the compensation is applied on the output stage the unity gain frequency is 25 MHz and when it is between the input and output stages the unity gain frequency is over 40MHz. Voltage gain is 87dB. Regardless of the improved transconductance of the Nested Miller Compensation circuite, the classic Miller Compensation is useful when the output must deliver high currents. There are picks in the output characteristics and the full settling time is higher in the Nested Miller Compensation circuite.


  1. Mohammed Ismail, Terri Friez Analog VLSI Signal and Information Processing, Mc Gnaw-Hill 1994 741 pp.
  2. Ron Hogesvorst, John P. Tero, Ruud G.H. Eschauzier, Johan H.Huijsing A Compact Power-Efficent 3V CMOS Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Operational Amplifier for VLSI Cell Libraries, IEEE December 1994, JORNAL OF SOID-STATE CIRCUTS VOL.29, No.12
  3. Klasas-Jan de Langen, Johan H. Huijsing, Compact Low-Voltage Power-Efficient Operational Ampliefier Cells for VLSI, IEEE October 1998, JORNAL OF SOID-STATE CIRCUTS, VOL.33, No.10


8th National Scientific and Applied Science Conference on Electronics – Electronics '99, pp. 78 – 83, 1999, Bulgaria, Sozopol, ISBN 954-438-263-1

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