Autors: Nikolov, R. F., Doltchinkova, V., Kitanova, M., Stoyanova-Ivanova, A., Petkov, O., Dikova, Y., Vitkova. V. Title: Erythrocyte Membrane Biophysical Changes mediated by Pooled Immunoglobulin G and Hematin: Electrokinetic and Lipid Peroxidation Studies Keywords: erythrocytes; pooled immunoglobulin G; hematin; melittin Abstract: Pooled Immunoglobulin G (IgG), hematin and the membrane-disruptive amphipathic peptide melittin have received attention as powerful biomacromolecules for biomedical and pharmacology applications. Their action on surface properties, oxidation status and epifluorescence properties measured in vitro provide useful information about the functional activity of upper biomacromolecules in erythrocytes in vivo. The hemolysis of erythrocyte membranes, as well as changes in hematocrit and the morphology of erythrocytes, was investigated here via fluorescence microscopy using FITC-concanavalin A binding to cells. The effect of melittin on the membrane capacitance and resistance of model lipid bilayers was probed via electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Lipid bilayer capacitance was higher in the presence of 0.10 g/L melittin compared to that in the control, which is likely related to bilayer thinning and alterations of the dielectric permittivity of melittin-treated membranes. The biomolecule References Issue
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