Autors: Dochev, B. A., Dimova, D. P.
Title: Study of the structure and mechanical properties of test bodies from alloy AlCu4Mg2 after plastic deformation
Keywords: aluminium alloy, plastic deformation, structure

Abstract: Test bodies of aluminium alloy AlCu4Mg2 (D16T) are subjected to cold and hot plastic deformation. The hot plastic deformation of the test bodies of the studied alloy was carried out at a temperature of 450◦C. The cold plastic deformation of AlCu4Mg2 (D16T) alloy test bodies was carried out immediately after their hardening. After deformation, the bodies are subjected to natural aging. The influence of technological processing modes on the structure and mechanical properties of the AlCu4Mg2 (D16T) alloy was studied.



    BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES DEPARTMENT “ENGINEERING SCIENCES”, vol. LX, 2023, issue BOOK, pp. 57-64, 2023, Bulgaria, DOI: 10.7546/EngSci.LX.23.01.05, ISSN 1312-5702 e-ISSN 2603-3542

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