Autors: Angelova, Y. S., Radonov, R. I., Kuzmov, V. Y., S. Z. Derelieva-Konstantinova.
Title: Development Of A Common Information System to Create a Digital Career Center Together with Partner Higher Schools
Keywords: Software product; General information system; Digital Career

Abstract: The purpose of the report presented by the authors is to present a methodical development of a software product and the sequence of its implementation to create a common information system of career centers in Technical University of Sofia and the partner organizations. In fulfillment of the contract BG05M2OP001-2.016-0008-С02 “Innovations, Science and Education for high quality and compliance with the labor market” at the Technical University of Sofia and Partnership (INNOTECH PRO), the goal is to create a single Digital Career Center (DCC), to create a single network by upgrading and modernizing the electronic platforms used so far by the partner higher schools. Through career counseling and guidance and the creation of a Digital Career Exchange (DCE) to give students, graduates, alumni and doctoral students more detailed information and opportunities to find the right job position for each.


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Strategies for Policy in Science and Education, vol. 31, issue 6s, pp. 19 - 30, 2023, Bulgaria, Az-buki National Publishing House, ISSN 1310-0270

Цитирания (Citation/s):
1. Kirova, Milena, D. Yordanova. TRAINING OF PERSONNEL FOR INDUSTRY 5.0 THROUGH UNIVERSITY CLUBS FOLLOWING THE EXAMPLE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF RUSE, Strategies for Policy in Science and Education, Volume 32, Number 3s, 2024 - 2024 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science

Вид: статия в списание, публикация в реферирано издание, индексирана в Web of Science