Autors: Atanasov, V. T., Stoilov, D. G.
Title: Study on Carbon Emissions Born During the Life Cycle of Distribution Transformers
Keywords: Carbon emissions, oil-filled transformers, steel core

Abstract: This article examines the current issue related to the life-cycle carbon emissions of oil distribution transformers. A detailed analysis of the percentage ratio of carbon emissions in the main elements of oil transformers during production, operation and repair was performed. A model is presented for evaluating and comparing carbon emissions for transformer repairment and replacement options. A specific example of a 400 kVA transformer after years of service and failure is considered to illustrate the decision to repair or replace with a new one.



    2023 15th Electrical Engineering Faculty Conference (BulEF), pp. 1-4, 2023, Bulgaria, IEEE, DOI 10.1109/BulEF59783.2023.10406270

    Copyright IEEE

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