Autors: Krastev, S. K., Velkov, K. H., Krastev, O. M. Title: Analysis of the Influence of Freight Trains Length on their Braking Distance Keywords: braking distance, distributor, braked weight, long trains Abstract: This study is dedicated to the braking problems observed in freight trains with increased length, braked in “P” (passenger) position on their distributor valve. This phenomenon is known as a braked weight loss in freight trains. Many studies conducted in past years in different European countries show that there is a tendency for increasing the weight and the length of freight wagons to decrease the price of the transportation and increase the competitiveness in railway industry. This tendency is directly related to the braking problems in long freight trains. Based on a result received on a test bench for testing pneumatic train braking systems in our research we analysis the influence of freight trains length on their braking distance. References Issue
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