Autors: Stoynov, V. R.
Title: A Novel Emotion-Aware Networking Model for Enhanced User Experience in 5G networks
Keywords: Emotion-aware networking; 5G networks;

Abstract: The emergence of 5G networks has considerably broadened the capabilities and features of mobile networks. A notable development in this area is the incorporation of emotional intelligence into mobile networks, leading to the proposal of the Emotion-aware Networking Paradigm (ENP) in this paper. ENP strives to equip mobile networks with the ability to identify and understand user emotions and adapt services accordingly. This paper introduces a model for implementing ENP in 5G mobile networks, called the Emotion-aware Networking Model (ENM), detailing its structure, functions, and main characteristics. This paper also explores the challenges and prospects related to ENM and offers examples of potential use cases. Additionally, this paper presents the Emotion-Aware Service and User Profile Management Function (EASUPMF) for ENM, designed to unleash ENM's potential by managing user profiles and delivering personalized emotional services based on emotion recognition..



    In proceedings of Conference of Open Innovation Association (FRUCT 33), 24-26 May 2023, Zilina, Slovakia. DOI: 10.23919/FRUCT58615.2023.10143069, pp. 296-308, 2023, Slovakia, DOI 10.23919/FRUCT58615.2023.10143069

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