Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Тернева, З. А., Суса Димитрова.
Заглавие: Penetration testing of devices
Ключови думи: cyberattacks, hackers, security, device, IoT (Internet of th

Абстракт: This paper will examine the common problem of hacking smart devices, user's passwords and related methods to counter hackers. Security testing has become part of our daily lives, although the average user does not notice it. The report will discuss how useful ethical hacking is and why it is necessary to protect user data. The basic strategies for protection against cyber-attacks of black hat hackers will be presented and it will be shown why ethical hacking is important. The authors will point out the reasons why it is important that our devices do not remain unprotected. In the paper, the authors will show with an example how important password complexity is.



    2023 11-th International Scientific Conference COMPUTER SCIENCE, 2023, България, Созопол

    Издателските права се държат от IEEE

    Пълен текст на публикацията

    Autors: Terneva, Z. A., Dimitrova S. E.
    Title: Penetration testing of devices
    Keywords: cyberattacks, hackers, security, device, IoT (Internet of things), penetration testing

    Abstract: This paper will examine the common problem of hacking smart devices, user's passwords and related methods to counter hackers. Security testing has become part of our daily lives, although the average user does not notice it. The report will discuss how useful ethical hacking is and why it is necessary to protect user data. The basic strategies for protection against cyber-attacks of black hat hackers will be presented and it will be shown why ethical hacking is important. The authors will point out the reasons why it is important that our devices do not remain unprotected. In the paper, the authors will show with an example how important password complexity is.



      2023 11-th International Scientific Conference COMPUTER SCIENCE, 2023, Bulgaria, Sozopol

      Copyright IEEE

      Full text of the publication

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