Autors: Antonova, E. V., Minkovska, D. V., Nakov, O. N.
Title: Emotional & Mental Health in Academic Performance
Keywords: education, mental health, emotional well-being

Abstract: The article discusses the relationship between emotional and mental health and academic performance in higher education. Emotional and mental health problems can negatively impact a student's academic performance, leading to difficulties with concentration, memory, and problem-solving skills, resulting in poor academic performance. The article identifies common issues such as high levels of stress, social anxiety, perfectionism, adjusting to college life, and lack of sleep or poor-quality sleep that can impact academic performance. The article also suggests solutions that institutions of higher education can implement to improve emotional and mental health among students. These solutions include providing mental health services, promoting self-care, creating a supportive environment, and educating students about emotional and mental health. The article concludes that poor emotional and mental health can have a significant impact on academic performance and suggests seeking professiona



    ХXXII ISTC "ADP – 2023", 2023, Bulgaria, ISSN 2682-9584

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