Autors: Gancheva, V. S., Galabova, L. P.
Title: Platform for Learning and Virtual Reality in Animal Husbandry
Keywords: 3D Modeling, Animal Husbandry, Educational Resources, Learni

Abstract: Nowadays, digital technologies are extensively used in the field of education. Virtual and augmented reality and 3D technologies are entering the field of education at all educational levels. They are a prerequisite for the application of new approaches in the presentation of the educational content and its easier perception and assimilation by the learners. The paper presents an integrated platform for open science and educational resource sharing, as well as an environment for distance learning and data analysis in animal husbandry derived from the learning resources of a given course in the system. The research is aimed at developing a computer-aided framework in the field of digitized education and creating new educational resources for distance learning in animal husbandry.



    WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, vol. 20, pp. 163-169, 2023, Greece, DOI 10.37394/23209.2023.20.19

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