Autors: Uzunov T. T., Deneva, M. A., Kazakov V., Uzuniva P., Kaimakanova N., Nenchev M. N. Title: Effective application of suitable single pulse of Nd:doped lasers for cleaning of initial carious lesions of human teeth. Experimental study Keywords: sinle pulse, Nd:YAG laser, Nd:Glass laser, cleaning initial Abstract: We show via detailed experimental investigations that the single pulse from Nd:YAG and Nd:Glass lasers (wavelength 1.06 μm, free lasing operation) are suitable for efficient cleaning initial carious lesions (1 - 3 mm in diameter) on tooth enamel. The cleaning is in combination with tooth preparation for final healing procedures – formation of desired hole and antibacterial cleaning. The measured heating of the tooth chamber is in acceptable limits and crack formation is avoided. The investigation includes laser irradiation with single pulses of energy of ~2 to 5 J, energy density of ~50 to 130 J/cm2 and pulse duration of ~500 ns – 2 ms. In further development of the topic, as a second part of this article, we propose algorithm for application of the discussed cleaning. References - Saydjari, Y., Kuypers, Th., Gutknecht, N., 2016, Laser Application in Dentistry: Irradiation Effects of Nd:YAG 1064 nm and Diode 810 nm and 980 nm in Infected Root Canals —A Literature Overview, BioMed Research International, Volume Article ID 8421656, pp. 10 pages
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| ICSQE 2022, paper in J. Physics, vol. 2487, pp. 1-6, 2023, Bulgaria, IOP Publishing, USA, DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/2487/1/012021 |
Copyright Institute of Physics Publishing Full text of the publication |