Autors: Ivanova, M. S., Stefanov, S. G.
Title: Digital Forensics Investigation Models: Current State and Analysis
Keywords: digital forensics, investigation process modeling

Abstract: A digital forensics investigation (DFI) is characterized with activities related to search, identification, collection, analysis of digital evidences as all activities should be documented in a given format. Different models and methodologies are proposed to facilitate DFI, trying to describe procedures and activities performed by the investigator. Continuous technological development leads to the emergence of new sophisticated attacks, which also requires new approaches to be taken to crime scene investigation. In this paper a summary and analysis of contemporary achievements in DFI is performed to outline the current state of DFI development and to draw challenging issues and trending research topics. A conceptual model generalizing current state in DFI models is also presented.



    2023 8th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies, pp. 1-4, 2023, Croatia, IEEE, ISBN: 978-953290128-3/DOI: 10.23919/SpliTech58164.2023.10193176

    Copyright IEEE

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