Autors: Krezhova D.D., Yanev T.K., Pristavova S.D., Pavlova, P. E.
Title: Discrimination of rock types and main rock-forming components in Bulgarian territories through spectral reflectance characteristics
Keywords: remote sensing, spectral reflectance, statistical methods

Abstract: Remote sensing studies on the spectral reflectance of natural formations – rocks, products of different physical and chemical processes in the Earth’s crust and its surface – are reported. Based on spectral reflectance characteristics (SRC) of selected representative rocks with different structure, mineral composition and colour characteristics – sedimentary (psephite-conglomerate) and metamorphic (kyanite schist) – and by applying statistical and deterministic methods the rock types and the main rock-forming components were discriminated. The spectral data were obtained in laboratory using a multichannel spectrometer developed in STIL-BAS, which delivers data in the spectral range 480–810nm.The a priori mineralogical information about the specimens studied, the actual SRC data, affine and perspective transformations of the colour coordinates of SRC were all utilized to perform a primary classification of the main constituents of the specimens. Cluster analysis was applied..



    Advances in Space Research, vol. 39, issue 1, pp. 179-184, 2007, Netherlands, Elsevier, ISSN 0273-1177

    Вид: статия в списание, публикация в издание с импакт фактор