Autors: Todorov, G. D., Sofronov, Y. P., Gavrilov, T. T., Romanov, B. G.
Title: New product development and production in extremely short terms - Safety goggles
Keywords: safety goggles, process workflow

Abstract: Normally the new product development (NPD) is a long process and consumes a lot of time. The NPD is a multiple stage process, each of which require the usage of different methods, software, machine equipment and qualified experts responsible for the successful development and integration of the product. However, this process should be revised when extremely short terms are required for development and production of a new product. Example of such case is the safety goggles development and production. The need of such product on the market in extremely short terms is imposed by the state of Emergency in Bulgaria, related with COVID-19 situation and difficulties in deliveries of goods. Because of the time limitation, the research is conducted in less than 24 hours and in parallel, meetings with medical professionals were carried out to exchange ideas and ensure that the product design meets their requirements. Achieved results are more than sufficient, as for only 14 days from the task s



    , vol. 2449, 2022, Bulgaria, DOI 10.1063/5.0092804

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