Autors: Dimitrov, E. T.
Title: Study of the compressed natural gas influence on the noise of a diesel dual-fuel engine
Keywords: Diesel dual-fuel engine, CNG, Noise

Abstract: Compressed natural gas (CNG) is an alternative fuel for internal combustion engines. The operation of the diesel engine in dual-fuel mode with CNG give rise to changes in the engine combustion process. These changes reflect on the engine noise emissions, because as the burn process is their main source. This article presents an experimental results related to the influence of CNG on the noise of a single-cylinder diesel engine operating on a dual-fuel mode. The variations in the engine noise are assessed by measuring the sound pressure level with four sound-level meters, with microphones positioned one meter from the engine. The in-cylinder pressure rise rate is also registered. A quantitative assessment of the sound pressure level and maximum in-cylinder pressure rise rate variation while the engine operating on diesel-CNG dual-fuel mode is made. The evaluation is performed by comparing the engine noise and the maximum in-cylinder pressure rise rate in function of: CNG mass ratio at



    BulTrans-2021, 2021, Bulgaria, AIP Conference Proceedings 2557, 060006 (2022),

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