Autors: Badarov, D. H., Marinov, T. M., Mihov, G. S.
Title: A Methodology for Compensation of Differential Nonlinearity in Digital-To-Analog Converters
Keywords: code correction; compensation; DAC; Differential Nonlinearit

Abstract: The differential nonlinearity is one of the most common error sources in the Digital-To-Analog Converters. Higher values of differential nonlinearity can lead to non-monotonic transfer function of the converter. If the differential nonlinearity is with negative sign it can be corrected by adjustment of the digital code. The positive differential nonlinearities cannot be corrected. A methodology for measurement, calculation and code adjustment is proposed and tested in this paper.



    31st International Scientific Conference Electronics, ET 2022 - Proceedings, 2022, Bulgaria, ISBN 978-166549878-4

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