Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Петров, И. С., Иванова, М. С., Граменова, М. В.
Заглавие: Въздействие на пандемията COVID-19 върху професионалното и висшето образование и обучение
Ключови думи: vocational education and training, Covid-19, higher educatio

Абстракт: In Bulgaria, vocational education and training (VET) is carried out mainly in the school system, and vocational training centers (VTCs) are being established in higher schools. This article examines the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on teaching in higher education. In connection with the spread of coronavirus in the country, it became necessary to transform educational processes and switch to distance learning. This required a series of actions, measures and methods to conduct classes using the ZOOM online video conferencing application and the BlackBoard platform.



    Националната конференция с международно участие „Образователни технологии - 2022", том 37, брой 1, стр. стр. 65-68, 2022, България, Списание "Известия на съюза на учените-Сливен", ISSN 1311 2864
    Autors: Petrov, I. S., Ivanova, M. S., Gramenova, M. V.
    Title: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on vocational and higher education and training
    Keywords: vocational education and training, Covid-19, higher education, distance learning

    Abstract: In Bulgaria, vocational education and training (VET) is carried out mainly in the school system, and vocational training centers (VTCs) are being established in higher schools. This article examines the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on teaching in higher education. In connection with the spread of coronavirus in the country, it became necessary to transform educational processes and switch to distance learning. This required a series of actions, measures and methods to conduct classes using the ZOOM online video conferencing application and the BlackBoard platform.



      National Conference with International Participation "Educational Technologies 2022", vol. 37, issue 1, pp. 65-68, 2022, Bulgaria, "Notices of the Union of Scientists-Sliven", ISSN 1311 2864

      Вид: постер/презентация в национален форум с межд. уч., публикация в реферирано издание