Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Гиндева, С. И., Граменова, М. В., Цонева, М. М.
Заглавие: Формиране на аналитични способности у студентите в лабораторно упражнение по механика
Ключови думи: laboratory exercises, experiment, oscillations, coefficient

Абстракт: This work is a methodological development of a laboratory lesson on the topic "Oscillations of a material point" in the discipline "Mechanics", section "Dynamics of a material point". The goals and method of conducting the exercises, as well as the methods of work, are specified. The purpose of the exercise is for students to memorize scientific facts, as well as to acquire analytical and evaluative skills. The study evaluation process first analyzes and then increases from the previous level during the exercise. For each level, specific keywords and questions are used. The application of the didactic principles of consciousness and activity, the strength of knowledge and the accessibility of education reflect the internal essential aspects of the student's assistant's activity and determine the effectiveness of the course. Feedback generated at two levels contributes to the activity of students and the durability of the acquired knowledge. Students form and consolidate knowledge rela



    Националната конференция с международно участие „Образователни технологии - 2022", том 37, брой 1, стр. стр. 58-64, 2022, България, Списание "Известия на съюза на учените-Сливен", ISSN 1311 2864
    Autors: Gindeva, S. I., Gramenova, M. V., Tsoneva, M. M.
    Title: Formation of analytical abilities in students in laboratory exercise on mechanics
    Keywords: laboratory exercises, experiment, oscillations, coefficient of elasticity, deformation

    Abstract: This work is a methodological development of a laboratory lesson on the topic "Oscillations of a material point" in the discipline "Mechanics", section "Dynamics of a material point". The goals and method of conducting the exercises, as well as the methods of work, are specified. The purpose of the exercise is for students to memorize scientific facts, as well as to acquire analytical and evaluative skills. The study evaluation process first analyzes and then increases from the previous level during the exercise. For each level, specific keywords and questions are used. The application of the didactic principles of consciousness and activity, the strength of knowledge and the accessibility of education reflect the internal essential aspects of the student's assistant's activity and determine the effectiveness of the course. Feedback generated at two levels contributes to the activity of students and the durability of the acquired knowledge. Students form and consolidate knowledge rela



      National Conference with International Participation "Educational Technologies 2022", vol. 37, issue 1, pp. 58-64, 2022, Bulgaria, Magazine "Notices of the Union of Scientists-Sliven", ISSN 1311 2864

      Вид: постер/презентация в национален форум с межд. уч., публикация в реферирано издание