Autors: Miletiev, R. G., Yordanov, R. S.
Title: Compact smart solid-state relay with WiFi connectivity
Keywords: smart relay; SSR; WiFi

Abstract: The smart homes has an important role of the carbon footprint reduction as the cities create an estimated 65% of global energy demand and cause 70% of global carbon dioxide emissions. The conversion of the ordinary homes into the smart ones using the wireless technologies may reduce the energy use at the same time as supporting optimal comfort and convenience. The proposed compact smart solid-state relay with WiFi connectivity allows a remote control of the home environment to save energy and it also may be controlled via near-field communication such as RFID or NFC to automatically adjust the environment parameters



    31st International Scientific Conference Electronics, ET 2022, 2022, Bulgaria, ISBN 978-166549878-4; DOI 10.1109/ET55967.2022.9920271

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