Autors: K, N. J. Title: ANALYSIS OF THE AIR EXCHANGE IN LIVESTOCK BUILDING THROUGH THE Keywords: Livestock farm, fluid dynamics, CFD model, organization of a Abstract: Increasing consumption of meat and meat products worldwide is closely linked to improving the living environment forlivestock. According to zoo experts, the appropriate microclimate in buildings leads to improved metabolic processes in their culti -vation and contributes to their rapid weight gain. The issue of raising newborns and young animals is especially relevant. Achieving optimal parameters of the microclimate in the premises, together with the necessary veterinary care for newborns reduces stress and mortality in them. The above requires the implementation of new and modern engineering solutions in the design and construction of livestock buildings. The use of numerical simulations, through CFD programs for modelling and solving engineering problems, as well as the creation of adequate mathematical models, is a prerequisite for reducing the time and resources to solve a problem. References Issue
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