Autors: K, N. J. Title: Research of the combustion process in the initialmixing section of the injection gas burner Keywords: numerical research, combustion, gas fuel, regime and design Abstract: e economical combustion of gas fuel implies that it takes place with a minimum coefficient of excess air and minimal losses. Constructive, aerodynamic and physical factors have a determininginfluence on the completeness of combustion and the conditions of ignition. Using the ANSYS software program, the main characteristics of the combustion process in the cylindrical mixingsection of a flat flame injection burner are investigated through computer simulation. A geometric model was created on which it is possible to study both straight and rotating jets. The possibility ofnumerically investigating the combustion of gaseous fuel (C 3H8) in a confined air flow produced by injection is considered. A k-ε model of turbulence was used, which is based on the equation for turbulent kinetic energy and its dissipation rate. References Issue
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