Autors: Ivanova, M. S., Tchobanova, Z. N.
Title: The Influence of Regression Kernel Functions at Predictive Modelling in Electronics
Keywords: machine learning, regression analysis, support vector machin

Abstract: The paper presents an approach for predicting the power dissipation in electronic circuits through utilization of support vector machine, which is an algorithm from controlled machine learning. Three predictive models are created, outlining the power dissipation at different values of power supply and load resistance. The models are evaluated considering four regression kernel functions: dot, polynomial, radial and epachnenikov. The results show that the most suitable kernel function can be found and used for creation of a concrete model with a small error.



    9th Small Systems Simulation Symposium SSSS, pp. 72-76, 2022, Serbia, University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, ISBN 978-86-6125-248-8

    Copyright University of Niš, Faculty of Electronic Engineering

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