Autors: Nachev, I. N., Iliev, I. G.
Title: Z-shape EBG Structure Improving the Phased Antenna Array Radiation Pattern with Autonomous Aerial Vehicle Navigation Application
Keywords: Electronic Band-Gap (EBG) structures , periodic structure ,

Abstract: The paper discusses a Z-shape electromagnetic band gap (EBG) structure to improve the radiation characteristic of various antenna types. Experimental results of EBG structures integration in the phased array antenna (2×2 construction variety and nine radiation pattern states) show that structures of this type, designed to meet the document described conditions, is available to improve antenna radiation characteristic - increases the antenna gain and narrow the radiation pattern beamwidth. The study purpose is to show that when integrating the structure into the scanning antenna array, offset angle of the antenna beams in the scanning mode also changes. In addition, increasing gain and narrowing the beamwidth also can reduce side lobes levelsA comparison between simulated and measured results of the antenna system is presented, which clearly shows the improving properties of the proposed structure.



    2022 30th National Conference with International Participation (TELECOM), 2022, Bulgaria, DOI 10.1109/TELECOM56127.2022.10017261

    Copyright IEEE explore

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