Autors: Hristov, H. I., Dimitrov, K. L.
Title: Investigation of the influence of the distance and the angle of observation in radiometric measurements in the infrared spectrum
Keywords: agriculture; emission coefficient; infrared radiometry; infr

Abstract: In this study, we will outline some significant possibilities of infrared radiometry for measurements of plant surface temperature. We will consider the importance of the distance from the object to the radiometer, as well as the angle at which the radiometer registers the radiation. We will show how the change of these two factors affects the heat flux that enters the aperture of the radiometer from the object.



    57th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, ICEST 2022, pp. 1-4, 2022, Macedonia, DOI 978-166548500-5 / 10.1109/ICEST55168.2022.9828631

    Copyright IEEE Xplore

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