Autors: Pandiev, I. M.
Title: Stability analysis and design of floating load voltage-controlled current sources
Keywords: analog circuits; circuit design; circuit simulation; control

Abstract: This paper presents the structure and techniques for frequency compensation of the floating load voltage-controlled current sources employing power operational amplifiers (op-amps), as active building blocks. Based on the performed theoretical analysis, conditions for self-oscillation are determined, and an approach for introducing frequency compensation in a predetermined bandwidth is proposed. The obtained analytical expressions, as well as some additional conditions, are the basis of the proposed design procedure. The practical applicability of the proposed procedure has been tested by designing and analyzing sample electronic circuits of floating load voltage-to-current converters.



    International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, vol. 51, issue 2, pp. 880-896, 2023, United Kingdom, Wiley-Blackwell, DOI 10.1002/cta.3438

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