Autors: Nachev, I. N., Iliev, I. G.
Title: Study of a Mushroom-like EBG Structure Integration in Phased Antenna Array with Improving Radiation Characteristics Purposes
Keywords: Antenna array; Ebg structure; Electromagnetic band gap; Impr

Abstract: Тhe paper provides methodology to determine requirements in the frequency domain in designing a mushroom EBG structure to improve antenna array radiation characteristics. With integrating the structure in front of the antenna radiating surface, a gain increase and a change in beamwidth is observed. The proposed methodology has been tested. Studies with different dielectric substrates in the mushroom–like EBG structure design are provided to prove the proposed concept. Improved radiation parameters of a scanning antenna system (for 2.4 GHz ISM frequency band) consisting of an EBG structure and an antenna array are shown.



    Microwave Review, vol. 28, issue 2, pp. 17 - 21, 2022, Serbia, Society for Microwave Technique, Technologies and Systems and Serbia and Montenegro IEEE MTT-S, ISSN 1450-5835

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