Autors: Gospodinova, D. N., Neznakomova, M. P.
Title: Investigation of the Effect of Polymer Solution Electrospinning System Parameters on the Nanofibers Morphology
Keywords: electrospinning , PVA , nanofibers , beads

Abstract: There are two approaches to give textile fibers nutraceutical properties: microencapsulation, which is the final step in the textile finishing process for traditional textile fibers, and the addition of specific additives during the fiberization process. In the present manuscript, in order to produce mats with wellness benefits, two types of solutions containing Aloe vera were added to an aqueous solution of PVA (polyvinyl alcohol) and electrospun to produce nanofibers. The procedure was carried out using the same electrical conditions for pure PVA solution fiberization potential. The diameter, defect count, and coverage areas of the resultant fibres are all measured. The Well Ness product was discovered to be microencapsulated within the bulk of the resulting fibers.



    2022 14th Electrical Engineering Faculty Conference (BulEF), pp. 1-4, 2022, Bulgaria, IEEE, DOI 10.1109/BulEF56479.2022.10021188

    Copyright IEEE

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