Autors: Marinov, M. B., Dimitrov, D. M., Ganev, B. T., Todorov, G. D., Ivanov, I. V.
Title: Experimental Set-up for Sensors Selection for Early Fault Detection in Innovative Modular Li-Ion Battery Systems Related to HELIOS H2020 Project
Keywords: Battery characterization; BMS; fault diagnosis; gas analysis

Abstract: Lithium-ion batteries have already become a mainstream energy storage solution for many applications, especially for hybrid and electric vehicles (EV). Various malfunctions in the lithium-ion battery system (LIBS) can cause serious safety problems and significant performance determination. For the safe and efficient operation of LIBS, the development of advanced fault diagnosis technologies is becoming increasingly important. This paper presents an experimental setup for the acquisition of lithium-ion battery condition data. Different approaches for the early diagnosis and prediction of various LIBS faults are investigated. This will allows for investigation of the feasibility of using diverse types of gas sensors in large lithium-ion battery systems in addition to conventionally used battery monitoring tools.


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31st International Scientific Conference Electronics, ET 2022, 2022, Bulgaria, DOI 10.1109/ET55967.2022.9920307

Цитирания (Citation/s):
1. Abdolrasol M.G.M., Ayob A., Lipu M.S.H., Ansari S., Kiong T.S., Saad M.H.M., Ustun T.S., Kalam A. Advanced data-driven fault diagnosis in lithium-ion battery management systems for electric vehicles: Progress, challenges, and future perspectives. DOI: 10.1016/j.etran.2024.100374 - 2024 - в издания, индексирани в Scopus или Web of Science

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