Оригинал (Original)
Автори: Павлов, Н. Л., Дацова, Д. И.
Заглавие: Анализ на системите за странично наклоняване в превозните средства
Ключови думи: Странично наклоняване, движение в завой, наклоняема каросери

Абстракт: Страничното наклоняване на транспортните средства позволява по-високи скорости при движение в завои, което води до намаляване на времето за пътуване. От друга страна, при наклоняването към центъра на завоя, намалява страничното ускорение, действащо върху пътниците. Това води до подобряване на комфорта при пътуване. Най-често срещаното приложение на превозните средства с наклоняема каросерия днес е в железопътния транспорт, но са създадени и пътни превозни средства, които следват същата стратегия. От тях по-разпространени са триколесните превозни средства, но нарастват тенденциите за използване на принципите на странично наклоняване и в четириколесните превозни средства с малка широчина, а също и в конвенционални автомобили. При автономните автомобили нарастват изискванията за комфорт и в тази връзка въпросът за използване на системи за наклоняване, които да компенсират до някаква степен страничните ускорения е особено актуален.


  1. Т. Ружеков, Ц. Пенчев и Е. Димитров, Теория и конструиране на железопътна техника (ВТУ „Т. Каблешков“, София, 2011), стр. 396.
  2. О. Кръстев и К. Велков, Тягов релсов състав (Технически университет - София, 2014), стр. 215.
  3. R. Persson, R. M. Goodall and K. Sasaki, “Carbody Tilting - technologies and benefits”, in Vehicle System Dynamics, International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility 47, Issue 8: State of the Art Papers of the 21st IAVSD Symposium, pp. 949–981 (2009).
  4. И. П. Киселев (ред.), Высокоскоростной железнодорожный транспорт. Общий курс. Том 2 (ФГБОУ „УМЦ по образованию на железнодорожном транспорте“, Москва, 2014), стр. 371.
  5. S. Koizumi, “Advance in railway vehicle technology and future prospects mainly in relation to bogie”, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Technical Report 105, pp. 11–18 (2013).
  6. E. Alessandro, “Le Pendolino et le réseau ferré suisse”, Ingénieurs et Architectes Suisses 3, pp. 18–24 (1990).
  7. A. O. Darlton, M. Marinov, “Suitability of tilting technology to the Tyne and Wear Metro system”, Urban Rail Transit 1, pp. 47–68 (2015).
  8. M. Ueno, S. Usui, H. Tanaka, A. Watanabe, “Technological overview of the next generation Shinkansen high-speed train Series N700”, Central Japan Railway Company, Tokyo, (2008).
  9. Y. Nakakura and K. Hayakawa, “The body inclining system of the series N700 Shinkansen”, in Proceedings of International Symposium on Speed-up, Safety and Service Technology for Railway and Maglev Systems 2009 (STECH’09), Niigata, Japan, 2009.
  10. Sirong Yi, “Calculation method for minimum curve radius of high-speed railways”, in Dynamic Analysis of High-Speed Railway Alignment. Theory and Practice (Elsevier, 2018).
  11. W. L. Garrison, M. E. Pitstick, “Lean vehicles: Strategies for introduction emphasizing adjustments to parking and road facilities”, SAE Technical Paper 901485, p. 19 (1990).
  12. R. Hibbard, D. Karnopp, “Twenty first century transportation system solutions - a new type of small, relatively tall and narrow active tilting commuter vehicle”, in Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility 25(5), pp. 321–347 (1996).
  13. Ch. Tang, A. Khajepour, Narrow Tilting Vehicles. Mechanism, Dynamics, and Control (Morgan & Claypool, 2019), p. 75.
  14. J. J. Antony, K. Jayabal, “Rollover dynamics of a narrow tilting three-wheeled vehicle”, MATEC Web of Conferences 51, 01002 (2016).
  15. D. Dacova, N. Pavlov, “Lateral tilting in road vehicles - a review”, International Scientific Journal “Trans Motauto World” 5(4), pp. 119–120 (2020).
  16. G. Genta, L. Morello, The Automotive Chassis. Volume 2: System Design, 2nd ed. (Springer, 2020), p. 980.
  17. S. Kidane et al., “Development and experimental evaluation of a tilt stability control system for narrow commuter vehicles”, in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 18(6), pp. 1266–1279 (2010).
  18. F. Will, J. N. Davidson, P. Couchman and D. Bednall, “Tomorrow’s car – for today’s people: can tilting three wheeled vehicles be a solution for the problems of today and the future?”, SAE International Journal of Engines, pp. 1–14 (2011).
  19. C. R. van den Brink, H. M. Kroonen, P. van den Brink, A. van den Brink, “Slender comfort vehicles: offering the best of both worlds”, Auto Technology 1, pp. 56–59 (2004).
  20. W. Knight, “CLEVER three-wheeler takes corners at full tilt”, (2006) available on: https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn9053-clever-three-wheeler-takes-corners-at-full-tilt/
  21. J. W. Robertson, “Active Control of Narrow Tilting Vehicle Dynamics”, PhD Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath, p. 183 (2014).
  22. M. Gauthier, “Nissan Land Glider Concept Highlighted for Tokyo Motor Show”, (2009) available on: https://www.motor1.com/news/18029/nissan-land-glider-concept-highlighted-for-tokyo-motor-show/
  23. J. Berote, J. Darling and A. Plummer, “Lateral dynamics simulations of a three-wheeled tilting vehicle”, in Proc. IMechE Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 229(3), pp. 342–356 (2015).
  24. H. Winner, W. Wachenfeld, “Effects of autonomous driving on the vehicle concept”, in Autonomous Driving. Technical, Legal and Social Aspects (Springer, 2016), edited by M. Maurer, J. C. Gerdes, B. Lenz, H. Winner, pp. 255–275.


БулТранс-2021, стр. стр. 90-98, 2021, България, Издателство на Техническия университет – София, ISSN 1313-955X

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Пълен текст на публикацията

Autors: Pavlov, N. L., Dacova, D. I.
Title: Analysis of Lateral Tilting Systems in Vehicles
Keywords: Lateral tilting, cornering, tilting car body, three- and four-wheeled vehicles

Abstract: The lateral tilting of vehicles allows higher speeds when cornering, which reduces travel time. On the other hand, when tilting towards the center of the turn it reduces the lateral acceleration acting on the passengers. It results in improved travel comfort. The most common application of tilt body vehicles today is in rail transport, but road vehicles have also been created that follow the same strategy. Of these, three-wheeled vehicles are more common, but there is a growing tendency to use side-tilt principles in narrow-width four-wheeled vehicles as well as conventional cars. With autonomous cars, comfort requirements are increasing, and in this regard, the question of using tilting systems to compensate to some extent for lateral accelerations is particularly relevant.


  1. Т. Ружеков, Ц. Пенчев и Е. Димитров, Теория и конструиране на железопътна техника (ВТУ „Т. Каблешков“, София, 2011), стр. 396.
  2. О. Кръстев и К. Велков, Тягов релсов състав (Технически университет - София, 2014), стр. 215.
  3. R. Persson, R. M. Goodall and K. Sasaki, “Carbody Tilting - technologies and benefits”, in Vehicle System Dynamics, International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility 47, Issue 8: State of the Art Papers of the 21st IAVSD Symposium, pp. 949–981 (2009).
  4. И. П. Киселев (ред.), Высокоскоростной железнодорожный транспорт. Общий курс. Том 2 (ФГБОУ „УМЦ по образованию на железнодорожном транспорте“, Москва, 2014), стр. 371.
  5. S. Koizumi, “Advance in railway vehicle technology and future prospects mainly in relation to bogie”, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Technical Report 105, pp. 11–18 (2013).
  6. E. Alessandro, “Le Pendolino et le réseau ferré suisse”, Ingénieurs et Architectes Suisses 3, pp. 18–24 (1990).
  7. A. O. Darlton, M. Marinov, “Suitability of tilting technology to the Tyne and Wear Metro system”, Urban Rail Transit 1, pp. 47–68 (2015).
  8. M. Ueno, S. Usui, H. Tanaka, A. Watanabe, “Technological overview of the next generation Shinkansen high-speed train Series N700”, Central Japan Railway Company, Tokyo, (2008).
  9. Y. Nakakura and K. Hayakawa, “The body inclining system of the series N700 Shinkansen”, in Proceedings of International Symposium on Speed-up, Safety and Service Technology for Railway and Maglev Systems 2009 (STECH’09), Niigata, Japan, 2009.
  10. Sirong Yi, “Calculation method for minimum curve radius of high-speed railways”, in Dynamic Analysis of High-Speed Railway Alignment. Theory and Practice (Elsevier, 2018).
  11. W. L. Garrison, M. E. Pitstick, “Lean vehicles: Strategies for introduction emphasizing adjustments to parking and road facilities”, SAE Technical Paper 901485, p. 19 (1990).
  12. R. Hibbard, D. Karnopp, “Twenty first century transportation system solutions - a new type of small, relatively tall and narrow active tilting commuter vehicle”, in Vehicle System Dynamics: International Journal of Vehicle Mechanics and Mobility 25(5), pp. 321–347 (1996).
  13. Ch. Tang, A. Khajepour, Narrow Tilting Vehicles. Mechanism, Dynamics, and Control (Morgan & Claypool, 2019), p. 75.
  14. J. J. Antony, K. Jayabal, “Rollover dynamics of a narrow tilting three-wheeled vehicle”, MATEC Web of Conferences 51, 01002 (2016).
  15. D. Dacova, N. Pavlov, “Lateral tilting in road vehicles - a review”, International Scientific Journal “Trans Motauto World” 5(4), pp. 119–120 (2020).
  16. G. Genta, L. Morello, The Automotive Chassis. Volume 2: System Design, 2nd ed. (Springer, 2020), p. 980.
  17. S. Kidane et al., “Development and experimental evaluation of a tilt stability control system for narrow commuter vehicles”, in IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 18(6), pp. 1266–1279 (2010).
  18. F. Will, J. N. Davidson, P. Couchman and D. Bednall, “Tomorrow’s car – for today’s people: can tilting three wheeled vehicles be a solution for the problems of today and the future?”, SAE International Journal of Engines, pp. 1–14 (2011).
  19. C. R. van den Brink, H. M. Kroonen, P. van den Brink, A. van den Brink, “Slender comfort vehicles: offering the best of both worlds”, Auto Technology 1, pp. 56–59 (2004).
  20. W. Knight, “CLEVER three-wheeler takes corners at full tilt”, (2006) available on: https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn9053-clever-three-wheeler-takes-corners-at-full-tilt/
  21. J. W. Robertson, “Active Control of Narrow Tilting Vehicle Dynamics”, PhD Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath, p. 183 (2014).
  22. M. Gauthier, “Nissan Land Glider Concept Highlighted for Tokyo Motor Show”, (2009) available on: https://www.motor1.com/news/18029/nissan-land-glider-concept-highlighted-for-tokyo-motor-show/
  23. J. Berote, J. Darling and A. Plummer, “Lateral dynamics simulations of a three-wheeled tilting vehicle”, in Proc. IMechE Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering 229(3), pp. 342–356 (2015).
  24. H. Winner, W. Wachenfeld, “Effects of autonomous driving on the vehicle concept”, in Autonomous Driving. Technical, Legal and Social Aspects (Springer, 2016), edited by M. Maurer, J. C. Gerdes, B. Lenz, H. Winner, pp. 255–275.


BulTrans-2021, pp. 90-98, 2021, Bulgaria, Technical University of Sofia Publishing House, ISSN 1313-955X

Copyright Издателство на Техническия университет – София

Full text of the publication

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