Autors: Kuzmanov, N. I., Tsonev, V. T., Nikolov, N. D.
Title: Predictive fatigue curve of Inconel 600 wire at 700° C
Keywords: fatigue, Inconel 600

Abstract: In this experimental study, a predicted fatigue curve for Inconel 600 wire was obtained at a temperature of 700 °C and an asymmetry coefficient of 0.5. A specially designed testing system was built comprising loading mechanisms, a heating furnace, control devices and measuring equipment. The system is suitable for testing wires at temperatures of up to 1100 °C and allows for cyclic loading with different parameters. The sequence of work with the system is given. A methodology for predicting the fatigue curve through accelerated tests and step-shaped increase of the maximum load is proposed. To obtain the specific predicted fatigue curve, a six-step load scheme with a total duration of about 290000 cycles was used. With the obtained curve, the fatigue limit can be predicted for the number of cycles, which exceeds many times the duration of the experiment.


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AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 2557, issue 1, pp. 040002, 2022, United States, AIP Publishing,

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