Autors: Dahterova, D. S., Nikolova, I. D.
Title: Improving the load capacity of cylindrical gears and transmissions by parametric optimal design with CAD/CAM systems
Keywords: load capacity, cylindrical gears, parametric optimal design

Abstract: Gears are an essential component of modern drives and systems. Cylindrical gears with involute profile have established themselves as one of the most widely used. Recent years have seen intensive research of both their profiling, as well as methodologies for improving their load carrying capacity. One way to increase productivity in the manufacture of cylindrical gears is the use of automated design systems. This paper presents an approach for optimal gear selection by applying the methods of parametric optimal design, modeling and study of gears with involute profile and study of their load carrying capacity.



    8th International BAPT Conference “Power Transmissions 2022”, vol. 366, 2022, Bulgaria, MATEC Web Conf.,

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