Autors: Guergov, S. T., Radwan N.
Title: 183. Guergov, S., N. Radwan. Blockchain Convergence:Analysis of Issues Affecting IoT, AI and Blockchain
Keywords: Internet of Things, common operating picture, artificial int

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to appraise the integration or convergence issues influencing the mutual functioning of blockchain, AI, and IoT. The study argued that the recent developments in the field of IoT and blockchain prediction have involved the integration of innumerable classification schemes to establish a hybrid model. The introduction of the hybrid technique relies on the prediction performance that strives to override the limitations of any available architectural scheme. This study offers a comprehensive exploratory appraisal of the issues influencing the successful integration of IoT and blockchain in regards to functionality and effectiveness of security, trust, and flawless communication issues. The exploratory research methodology was used in analyzing the issues affecting the integration of blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and the internet of things (IoT). The findings indicated that the integration challenges influencing the effective operations of blockcha.



    International Journal of Computations, Information and Manufacturing, vol. 1, issue 1, pp. 17, 2021, United Arab Emirates, GAF-TIM, ISSN 2790-2412

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