Autors: Iliev, I. T., Petrova, G. I.
Title: An Approach for Improving the Older people’s Perception of Video-Based Applications in AAL Systems – Initial Study
Keywords: AAL, assistance of elderly, fall detection, perception of vi

Abstract: This study presents a new approach, consisting in the change of the synergy be-tween the two main elements of AAL systems - the person in need of care and the video-based technological solution that detects/confirms the need for help. The essence of this approach is to provide a choice to the assisted person to activate/deactivate the video surveillance system depending on the personal assessment of his/her condition. Initial studies were conducted with five people (75-84 years old) residents of an elderly hostel. When only accelerometer sensors were used to detect falls, the number of false alarms was quite high. After installing video cameras in the rooms of three of the participants, the number of confirmed alarms based on vid-eo analysis decreased to almost zero. For one of these three people, who had several incidents of falling out of bed in the previous period, 3 falls were registered with a camera in 24 days and were alerted on time.



    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. LNCS,volume 13373, 2022, Italy, Springer Link

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