Autors: Angeova, J. s., Kuzmov, V. J.
Title: Technical and Economic Justification of the Functions and their Graphic Representation of a High-tech Enterprise
Keywords: Economic analysis; Functions; Revenue; Costs; Profit; Trend.

Abstract: Functions and their graphic presentation are some of the most widely used tools in various economic analyses of a business. After a graph is drawn, it is necessary to interpret it correctly in order to accurately assess the situation of the industrial company. The types of functions presented in the paper are viewed in terms of their application in economic analysis. A study of a particular firm has been made, the obtained data has been presented in table form and the graphic approach has been used to depict their functions. The authors have drawn conclusions and have made recommendations.



    International Conference on High Technology for Sustainable Development (HiTech), vol. 18308467, 2018, Bulgaria, IEEE Xplore, DOI 10.1109/HiTech.2018.8566422

    Copyright IEEE Xplore

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    Цитирания (Citation/s):
    1. Aleksieva, J., (2022),Impact assessment of the improved evaluation systems, XIV ISCMI “E-Governance and E-Communications”, Sozopol, ISSN 2534-8523; - 2022 - в български издания

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