Autors: Shoikova, E. D., Krumova, M. Y.
Title: Technology-Enhanced Social Learning and SECI 2.0
Keywords: Technology, social learning, SECI 2.0

Abstract: The paper aims at determine the effect of Web 2.0 technologies and social learning on SECI process within competency-based education. It starts with i) nowadays trends in education and ii) the focus is given at competency based and social learning. Then iii) the paper presents the web 2.0 online collaborative tools available today (including blogs, wikis, and social networking), web 2.0 applications that make a difference in learning. Web-based technologies for learning (Edmodo, Scoology, PBworks, TalentLMS, etc.) are presented. The concept of Web 2.0 is followed by iv) a detailed look on Nonaka and Takeuchi SECI process and an abstract model for knowledge creation and sharing is proposed-SECI 2.0, the paper ends with lessons learned.



    International Journal on Information Technologies and Security (IJITS), vol. 5, issue 3, 2013, Bulgaria, ISSN 1313-8251

    Цитирания (Citation/s):
    1. Nikolov, R., Shoikova, E., & Kovatcheva, E. (2014). Competence based framework for curriculum development. Bulgaria: Za bukvite, O‟ pismeneh. - 2014 - в български издания

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