Autors: Georgiev, G. V., Serbezov, V. S., Todorov, M. D.
Title: Experimental study of multicopter propeller performance near ground at different inclination angles
Keywords: UAV, propeller, ground effect

Abstract: Flight and hover of multicopters near horizontal and sloped surfaces causes a variety of performance and flight control problems. This is mainly due to ground effect on the propellers of the multicopter. An experimental investigation, using a single propeller on a test stand was performed to measure this effect. The static thrust and torque of the propeller were measured at different distances from the ground and different inclination angles of the propeller. The results are presented graphically and as a relation between the relative change of the propeller performance in reference to the free hover performance, and the relative ground distance in reference to propeller diameter for different inclination angles of the propeller plane of rotation. The results prove that the propeller's operation close to the ground contribute to a significant rise in the amount of the generated thrust, combined with a decline in the required mechanical power. It is assessed that the tested propeller's



    AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2557, No. 1), 2022, Bulgaria, AIP Publishing,

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