Autors: Petrov, P. P., Kralov, I. M.
Title: Decentralized Kinematic Control for an Autonomous Mobile Robot in a Longitudinal Platoon
Keywords: Kinematic Control, Autonomous Mobile Robot

Abstract: In this paper, we consider the problem of controlling an autonomous mobile robot in a homogeneous longitudinal platoon of mobile robots without inter-robot communication using constant spacing policy. The proposed decentralized control requires only information for the separation distance to the preceding robot and the estimate of its velocity obtained from an adaptive part of the controller. The stability of the designed control system is analyzed under assumption of time-varying and constant velocity of the preceding robot. Numerical simulations and experiments using differential-drive mobile robots are performed to validate the analytically obtained results, as well to demonstrate the effectiveness of the synthesized control scheme. © 2022 American Institute of Physics Inc. All rights reserved.



    AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 25056, issue 1200, 2022, Bulgaria, AIP Proceedings, ISBN 978-073544396-9

    Copyright AIP Proceedings

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