Оригинал (Original) | |||||
Автори: Чучулска Б., Христов Ил., Дочев, Б. А., Райчев, Р. П. Заглавие: Changes in the Surface Texture of Thermoplastic (Monomer-Free) Dental Materials Due to Some Minor Alterations in the Laboratory Protocol-Preliminary Study Ключови думи: thermoplastic materials; laboratory protocol; dentures; text Абстракт: Contemporary thermoplastic monomer-free prosthetic materials are widely used nowadays,
and there are a great variety available on the market. These materials are of interest in terms of the
improvement of the quality features of the removable dentures. The aim of this study is to establish
how minimal changes in the laboratory protocol of polyamide prosthetic base materials influence
the surface texture. Two polyamide materials intended for the fabrication of removable dentures
bases were used—Perflex Biosens (BS) and VertexTM ThermoSens (TS). A total number of 20 coinshaped
samples were prepared. They were injected under two different modes—regular, as provided
by the manufacturer, and modified, proposed by the authors of this study. Scanning electronic
microscopy (SEM) under four magnifications—1000, 3000, 5000, and 10,000—was conducted.
With minimal alterations to the melting temperature (5 C) and the pressure (0.5 Bar), in Biosens, no
changes in terms of surface improvement w Библиография Издание
| Autors: Chuchulska B., Hristov Il., Dochev, B. A., Raychev, R. P. Title: Changes in the Surface Texture of Thermoplastic (Monomer-Free) Dental Materials Due to Some Minor Alterations in the Laboratory Protocol-Preliminary Study Keywords: thermoplastic materials; laboratory protocol; dentures; texture; roughness Abstract: Contemporary thermoplastic monomer-free prosthetic materials are widely used nowadays, and there are a great variety available on the market. These materials are of interest in terms of the improvement of the quality features of the removable dentures. The aim of this study is to establish how minimal changes in the laboratory protocol of polyamide prosthetic base materials influence the surface texture. Two polyamide materials intended for the fabrication of removable dentures bases were used—Perflex Biosens (BS) and VertexTM ThermoSens (TS). A total number of 20 coinshaped samples were prepared. They were injected under two different modes—regular, as provided by the manufacturer, and modified, proposed by the authors of this study. Scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) under four magnifications—1000, 3000, 5000, and 10,000—was conducted. With minimal alterations to the melting temperature (5 C) and the pressure (0.5 Bar), in Biosens, no changes in terms of surface improvement w References Issue
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