Autors: Kandeva, M. K., Zagorski, M. Z., R. Nikolic., B. Stojanović., A. But., F. Botko., J. Pitel., Al. Vencl.
Title: Friction Properties of the Heat-Treated Electroless Ni Coatings Embedded with c-BN Nanoparticles
Keywords: electroless nickel coatings; cubic boron nitride; nanopartic

Abstract: The nickel (Ni) coatings without and with embedded (5–7 vol. %) cubic boron nitride (c-BN) nanoparticles (10 nm in diameter) were deposited on carbon steel substrate by an electroless plating process. Coatings were tested in as-deposited and heat-treated (heating at 300 _C for 6 h) conditions. Coating structure characterisation was performed, as well as hardness and roughness measurements. Friction properties were tested in dry and in water (seawater) lubricated contact conditions, with bronze as a counter-body material. Both static and kinetic coefficients of friction were measured for two different surface texture preparations (initial and working). The first surface texture simulated the running-in condition, and the second surface texture represented the steady-state conditions. The enhancement of the abrasive and erosive wear resistance of heat-treated electroless Ni coatings with embedded c-BN nanoparticles was already proved in our previous studies.



    Coatings, MDPI, vol. 12, issue 7, pp. 1008-1023, 2022, Switzerland, MDPI,

    Copyright Coatings MDPI

    Full text of the publication

    Цитирания (Citation/s):
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