Autors: Stefanov, S. B.
Title: Replacement of Solid Fuel Power Generating Capacities by Photovoltaic Power
Keywords: solid, fuel, photovotaic, power, replacing, generation

Abstract: This report analyses the possibilities for replacing solid fuel power plants by photovoltaic power plants. The analysis is based on annual and monthly electricity production. The nature of the annual load profile of the replaced and replacement capacities, the availability of electricity storage capacity and some issues related to the centralized, and decentralized deployment of the replacement capacities are considered.



    TechSys 2021, vol. 2449, pp. 030008-1-030008-6, 2022, Bulgaria, AIP Conference Proceedings, ISSN 0094243X, 15517616/DOI 10.1063/5.0090804

    Copyright AIP Conference Proceedings

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