Autors: Durakova, A. G., Vasileva, A. L., Choroleeva, K. B.
Title: Sorption isotherms and characteristics of a mixture of brown linseed and white mulberry
Keywords: sorption isotherms, adsorption, desorption, monolayer moistu

Abstract: The present paper models the mass-exchange processes of adsorption and desorption for a mixture of ground brown linseed (80%) and white mulberry (20%) which are bio-agricultural ingredients. The sorption capacity of the ready-made mixture was analyzed with reference to three temperatures – 10°C, 25°C and 40°C – and eight water activities in the 11% - 87% range. Via non-linear regression statistics, we modeled the modified three-parameter models of Chung-Pfost, Halsey, Oswin, and Henderson. Modified Halsey was found suitable for the description of the sorption characteristics of the ready-made mixture of brown linseed and white mulberry. The linear equations obtained from the linearization of the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (ВЕT) model helped in the calculation of monolayer moisture content (MMC) with test points for water activity aw < 0.5 for adsorption in the 4.16% d.m. - 3.49% d.m. range and for desorpton in the 3.94% d.m. – 3.62% d.m. range



    10th International Scientific Conference “TechSys 2021” – Engineering, Technologies and Systems,In AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 2449, issue 1, pp. 060022, 2022, United States, AIP Publishing LLC,

    Copyright AIP Publishing LLC

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