Autors: Kyrylovych, V.A., Kravchuk, A.R., Dimitrov, L. V., Melnychuk, P.P., Mohelnytska, L.F. Title: System and structural approach to interaction of components in collaborative flexible production systems Keywords: robot, collaborative robot Abstract: The paper analyses a well-known representation of the automation process as a hierarchical structure in the form of a five-level pyramid with levels 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. The analysis is based on the essence of the concepts "system", "structure", "collaborative industrial robot" (CIR), "collaborative flexible production system" (CFPS). It is proposed to introduce an additional sub-level 0-1, which occupies an intermediate position between the lower levels 0 and 1. It is this sub-level that is reproduced from the standpoint of its structure, considered as a system and meaningfully interpreted as an integral component of the Human-Robot Collaborative System (HRCS). The interaction of Human (H) and CIR is the basis of the execution of technological operations common to H and CIR, which is the content of the collaboration phenomenon. It is sub-level 0-1, called the Human Factor Level, that reproduces collaborativeness and is considered as the Human Robot Collaborative Level (HRCL), which takes i References Issue
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