Autors: Petrov, N. I., Dimitrov, V. P., Dimitrova, V. K. Title: Statistical Regulation of the Reliability of the Industrial System for Automated Management Keywords: Statistical control; automatic control system (ACS); manufac Abstract: To ensure proper functioning of the processes in the automatic control system (ACS) using the methods of statistical regulation [1,4-7]. They allow the decisions to be taken for the necessity to the setting of ACS under the checking of the parameters of the exit reaction. In the course of this control the degree of setup (the average of the controlled parameter) and checks his conformity with the tolerance zone (set by manufacturer ACS). This article present a method for statistical control for regulation the manufacturing control system (MCS), characterized by a plan for the realization including study: control sample volume, tolerance zone for adjustment, sample valuation types,frequency control level setting. References Issue
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