Autors: Vasileva, E. P.
Title: Methodology for Reliability Assessment of Distribution Networks with Decentralized Energy Resources Connected
Keywords: renewable energy sources, decentralized energy resources, re

Abstract: The purpose of this article is to propose a new method for assessing the reliability of a RES upgraded electrical power supply system by utilizing an economic indicator - the amount of undelivered electric energy at various DERs schemes connected to the conventional power grid. The article discusses three major distribution electricity network variants: one, two, and three power lines connected to decentralized energy sources. A methodology for calculating the amount of undelivered electricity has been developed and proposed, allowing for accurate calculations and their application in various schemes for connecting decentralized energy sources to the electricity distribution network.



    ICEST’2022, 2022, Macedonia, DOI 978-1-6654-8500-5/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE

    Copyright IEEE Xplore

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