Autors: Stoyanov A. S., Georgiev, A. G., Popov, R. K.
Title: Experimental installation for investigation of latent heat accumulator as a part of hybrid system for air-conditioning
Keywords: Phase Change Material system, experimental installation, lat

Abstract: Аn experimental installation consisting of latent thermal storage charged by solar energy was constructed and implemented. It is used to explore its applicability as an element of a hybrid air conditioning system. The system is built in the Laboratory of “Renewable Energy Sources” at the Technical University of Sofia, branch Plovdiv. The system consists of latent thermal storage, solar collectors, solar water heater and circulating pumps.



    Thermo techniques, vol. 4, issue 2, pp. 28-31, 2013, Bulgaria, TU-Varna, ISSN 1314-2550

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