Autors: Rizanov, S. M., Yakimov, P. I., Stoynova, A. V.
Title: Evaluation of IR micro-grid livestock wellbeing monitoring stand
Keywords: Infrared thermography, livestock monitoring, IR imaging

Abstract: Infrared thermography (IRT) and its application for livestock state-of-health monitoring has been a focal point of many research works over the past 10 years. IRT is a powerful tool for detection and evaluation of localized inflammation sites. With most works centered around utilization of complex and expensive IR imaging devices - we investigated the prospect of developing a cost-effective automated monitoring stand with the application of simple IR micro-grid scanning end-devices.



    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 2256, 2022, United Kingdom, IOP Publishing, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2256/1/012045

    Copyright IOP Publishing

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